Authors and contributors of NUMBERTEXT/MONEYTEXT development

Developer: László Németh (nemeth at openoffice dot org)

Contributors and language module developers:

Mushtaque Asghar:

	- bug report about missing XLS portability in

Asterisks at OOo Wiki:

	- Latvian module

Attilafdd at launchpad dot net:

	- fix Italian comma in it_IT module ("virgula" instead of "komma").

Ruud Baars:

	- bug reports about Dutch module

Alex Bodnaru (alexbodn at 012 dot net dot il):

	- author of Hebrew (he_IL) module

Claudio Colombo (claudio underline c77 at yahoo dot it):

	- it_IT bug report ("*unocento")

Dániel Darabos:

	- suggested __import__ for simple lazy loading in PyUNO implementation
	  of NUMBERTEXT extension

Susana Sotelo Docío:

	- fix for numbers containing the string "ientos" (doscientos/as,
	  quinientos/as, novecientos/as, etc) in Spanish module

Sophie Gautier:

	- bug report for French: milliard etc. instead of *milliarde

georgepyh at OOo extension:

	- bug report for Russian

Lucian Adrian Grijincu (lucian dot grijincu at gmail):

	- reported missing gender support in Romanian MONEYTEXT implementation:

Jmzambon at OOO Wiki:

	- patch for French un/une handling for currencies

Kent Karlsson:

	- reported Swedish gender problem with currencies in sv_SE.sor.

Mantas Kriaučiūnas at

	- hints for Lithuanian module

mike8p at

	- Spanish module: bug report for y dos cents -> con dos céntimos

Marcin Miłkowski (milek_pl at o2 dot pl):

	- patch for Polish:
		- correct special affixation of number names after 2, 3 and 4

Petr Mladek:

	- bug report about document language detection in OOo 3.2

Joan Montané (jmontane at openoffice dot org):

	- patch for Catalan (
		- "amb" instead of "und"
		- "cèntim" instead of (euro)cent
		- "menys" for negative

	- reported missing gender support for Catalan and Spanish (
	- various fixes and extensions for Catalan

Bernard Marcelly (bmarcelly at openoffice dot org):

	- bug report for French (
		- syntax of decimals
		- cent instead of un cent
		- milliard etc. instead of *milliarde
		- "et" instead of "y"
		- virgule instead of comma
		- point instead of comma in fr-CH
		- "moins" instead of "négatif de"

	- bug report about missing conversion beetween 0 and 1

Eduardo Moreno (emoreno at tokonhu dot com):

	- author of the first version of the Portuguese (pt-PT) module

	- bug reports about Spanish module and short language code "es"

mrw at OOo Extension site:

	- bug report about document language detection in OOo 3.2

Stephan Nilsson (Stephan at Nilsson dot tf):
	- sv_SE bug report: the Swedish 7 is "sju", not *sjo

Nicolas Pagni (Nicolas dot Pagni at npagni dot it):

	- bug report about the bad conversion of 1 eurocent in the Italian module

Eko Prasetiyo (ekoprasetiyo at gmail):
	- author of Indonesian module

Gwenaël Quenette (g_quenette at yahoo dot fr):

	- bug report for the Portuguese module: cientos -> centos

Goran Rakić (grakic at devbase dot net):

	- author of Serbian modules (sh-RS, sr-RS)

	- author of Turkish module

Eike Rathke (er at OpenOffice dot org):

	- suggested new namespace and compatibility name usage.

rogerclc at OOo extesion site:

	- bug report about Russian MONEYTEXT conversion (russian grammar)

Olivier Ronez:

	- patches for French (fr_FR) language module:

		- Spelling mistakes in the French file (
		- 81 in French (
		- milliard etc. instead of *milliarde (

	- author of fr-BE and fr-CH modules:

		- French numbers in Belgium (
		- French numbers in Switzerland (

Johanna Sørensen:

	- bug report about "Dansk" language name on home page

Marcin Stępniak:

        - patch to set default UTF-8 encoding in numbertext.jar

Supapong at OOo Wiki:

	- bug report about Thai numbers ending with "01" (Excel BAHTTEXT bug)

Kálmán Szalai (Kami):

	- ooo-build integration of Numbertext extension

Tantai Thanakanok (tantai osdev co th):

	- patch for extended Thai decimal support (1 and more than 2 digits with currencies)

xhydrogene at launchpad dot net:

	- bug reports for French (fr_FR) module:

		- "comma" must be translated in french "virgule" (
		- "y" must be translated in french "et" (
		- "un mille" must be writed only "mille" in french (

Laimonas Vėbra (laimis) at LaunchPad:

	- hints for Lithuanian module

wasow at extensions openoffice org:

        - bug report and patch (+UAH) to the Russian module

Michel Weimerskirch (michel at weimerskirch dot net):

	- author of Luxembourgish (lb-LU) module

Friedel Wolff (friedel at translate dot org dot za):

	- bug report for Africaans module